In order for C.A.M.P. to have shoes and backpacks in Costa Rica by the first week of January, we have to have all items in Princeton Illinois by October 21st.  Usually we can arrange for pickup of quantities of shoes and backpacks.  If you are new to our program, please use the CONTACT page to let us know that you want to help collecting shoes and/or backpacks for the program.



This year’s goal:  3000 pair

C.A.M.P. has been providing shoes for children for many years.  Childrens shoes are the most requested item by ministries.  Shoes in local stores are expensive and children outgrow them quickly.  Families that are barely able to ••put food on the table have a difficult time providing shoes.

In the beginning a few dozens of shoes were carried in with our team members in extra suitcases.  We are now shipping many crates each year for our teams to distribute free of charge to children in need.

Shoes should be new tennis shoes in all children’s sizes in both boys and girls.  They are found on sale many times during the year at large department stores.


Ministries currently receiving children’s shoes:

Pavas Church

Give Dignity at La Carpio

Encounter Church

Hope Fellowship Church

Coco Church

Rio Azul




This year’s goal:  1500 backpacks

C.A.M.P. has been distributing backpacks for several years.  There is a need because school children have to provide school supplies, books, and uniforms.  Backpacks to carry their supplies are expensive in Costa Rica.  Though education is “free” in Costa Rica and many other countries, many children can’t afford all the materials required to attend.  We, and you, can help.  Children’s backpacks are often on sale at large stores for just a few dollars.